Here you will find frequently asked questions about the Luxembourg Times BusinessRun.
Do you have further concerns or questions that we could not answer here?

Get in touch with us at info@business-run.lu.
We are happy to support you!

ACCESSIBILITY | Is the BusinessRun suitable for participants with disabilities?
Yes, the company run is designed to be inclusive and suitable for participants with disabilities. Should you have specific needs or require assistance, feel free to contact the organizers in advance at info@business-run.lu.
ARRIVAL | How do we get to the event location what's the parking situation on site?
The event venue is easily accessible by public transport. We recommend the following public transportation lines and stops:
  • TRAM: T1 to Kirchberg | stop: Coque
  • bus lines
    • 6/12/13/16/18/21 | stop Léon Hengen or Antoine de St Exupéry
    • EUROBUS 120 / 125 / 165 / 192 / 194
For Participants traveling by car: P+R parking lots A + B (Lux Expo) & D (Ecole Européenne) are available for those driving to the event. Please note that increased traffic is expected.
Participants arriving by bicycle can park their bikes in close proximity to the event venue.
Further information regarding traffic is available at Arrival and Parking.
AWARDS | What categories will be awarded?
There are various categories in which the teams are honored:
  • Fastest teams of 3 (m/f/mixed)
  • Largest teams
  • Most creative team name
  • Most creative team outfit
  • SPECIAL AWARD: Team Handwierk – Let'z run!
The winning teams will be rewarded at the award ceremony at the night of the event. Further information at Awards.
BAG DROP-OFF | Is it possible to store bags, small luggage and clothing at the venue?
Auf dem Veranstaltungsgelände gibt es eine Gepäckaufbewahrung/Garderobe. Dort könnt ihr eure Taschen und/oder Kleidung ab 17:00 Uhr abgeben. Bitte holt eure persönlichen Gegenstände bis spätestens 20:00 Uhr bei unserem Garderobenpersonal wieder ab. 

A bag drop-off/storage (self-service) is available at the event venue. You can mark your belongings with the tag attached to your bib number. Storage hours are from 5.00 to 10.00 p.m.. Please make sure to pick up your personal items in time.
Please note: We do not take responsibility for any potential damage and/or loss.
BIB NUMBER | Where and how should the bib number be attached?
Please attach your bib number clearly visible to the front of your running shirt. You can use the safety pins that you will receive with your starting documents. Make sure that the race number is not bent or damaged.
CANCELLATION | Is it possible to cancel the registration or can the starting place be transferred?
Registration for the company run is binding. The registration fee is also due in the event of no-show. However, starting places can be transferred to other persons within the company.
Die Anmeldung zum Firmenlauf ist verbindlich. Die Anmeldegebühr wird auch bei Nichtantritt fällig. Startplätze können jedoch innerhalb des Unternehmens an andere Personen übertragen werden. 

CATERING | What food & drink offers are available at the BusinessRun?
A varied catering offer awaits you on site with savory, sweet, meaty and vegetarian dishes at multiple food stations indoors and outdoors. Cold drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) will be available at our beverage stations. You can pay with cash at all catering stations. If your team has booked a company marquee, you to can pre-order snacks and drinks for your team.
Further information and the catering form is avilable at Team Catering.
CONTACT PERSON ON SITE | Who can we contact with questions and concerns on the day of the event?
Our organizing staff at the info point is available from 2.00 to ca. 8.00 p.m. and happy to support you with your questions and concerns.
EVENT SCHEDULE | What's the agenda on the day of the event?
We recommend that you arrive at the event venue at least one hour before the start. This will give you enough time to meet your team and prepare for the run. Get an overview of the BusinessRun agenda at our Event Schedule.
HEALTH AND SAFETY | Do you provide medical care on site?
Yes, a medical team will be present at the event venue and along the running course throughout the entire event. In case of injuries or health issues, please take care of yourself and, if necessary, contact the medical team through colleagues, course staff, or our event personnel.
The paramedics are stationed and clearly marked on site.
LATE REGISTRATION | Is it possible to register for the BusinessRun at a later date?
Yes, late registration is possible online and at the race kit collection until shortly befor the start. You can check timings and fees at Registration.
LOCKER ROOMS & SHOWERS | Are there facilities for changing and showering on site?
Locker rooms and showers are available from 5.00 to 10.00 p.m. in the Coque Arena.
PARTICIPATION | Are nordic walking poles, animals or strollers allowed?
Participation in the Businessrun with nordic walking poles, baby carriages or animals is not permitted for safety reasons.
PARTICIPATION | Who can participate in the BusinessRun?
As a sporting team event, the BusinessRun addresses companies, institutions, organizations, clubs and solo enterpreneurs. Private individuals can register for the BusinessRun if they are interested, too. There is no participant limit. The minimum age for participation is 15 years. To register younger participants, please contact us at info@business-run.lu.
Registration & Online bookings
After each online registration process, an invoice is automatically generated and sent via e-mail. The invoice amount must be paid IN ADVANCE collecting the race kits.

Late registration
Late registrations online are only possible via direct payment options or SEPA direct debit mandate. Late registrations can also be made at the race kit collection paying by card or cash only.

All food and beverage stations accept cash.
RACE KIT | Where and when do we get our race kits?
The race kits can be collected on two dates during the week of the event. Typically, the team captain will collect them for the entire team and hand them off to all team members. The exact collection dates can be found at Race Kit.
REGISTRATION | How do we register as a company?
Registration takes place via our Online Registration.
The team captain registers all participants from your company and can edit participant entries until the online registration deadline. The number of runners per company is unlimited. Additional team services such as company marquees and catering can also be booked online. Find out more at Team Area.
RESULTS | Where and when can the results be retrieved?
You can check your results online on our website from as soon as you cross the finish line. In the result lists you will also find your certificate available for download.
RUN COURSE | How long is the run course and where does it go?
The 5 k run course takes a circuit over the Kirchberg and around the Coque Arena.

SPECTATORS | Are family and friends allowed to watch and cheer at the BusinessRun? 
Spectators, friends and family are welcome to celebrate with you along the course and afterwards at the after-run party.
TEAM CAPTAIN | What is the team captain and what are his/her role?
The team captain is responsible for the organization of the BusinessRun within their company. He/she is taking care of the registration and is the main contact person for us as the organizer. Find out more about the role and tasks at Team Captain.
TEAMS OF 3 | What's the idea?
Each company can register participants not “only” as individual runners, but also define teams of 3 in the registration form. This format especially contributes to the team spirit and team creativity when it comes to team names within your company.
The overall running time of each team of 3 will be tracked automatically by transponder. Thus, the team runners can complete the course at their own pace.
The fastest teams of 3 (f/m/mixed) will be awarded prizes at the award ceremony. The "team of 3" classification is an additional classification. Each runner will of course also receive their individual running time, medal and certificate to download.
WEATHER | Does the BusinessRun take place in all weather conditions?
Basically, the BusinessRun takes place in all weathers. Please check the weather forecast on the day of the event and bring appropriate clothing and equipment (e.g. sun cap or rain jacket).
In the event of exceptional, extreme weather conditions that affect your safety, we will keep you informed of any changes in advance.
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n plus sport

Sports marketing, sponsorship and sporting events are our area of expertise. We develop, organize and promote a wide variety of national and international sporting events with thousands of enthusiastic participants. We advise companies that want to benefit from the world of sport and create the right platform to connect brands with positive experiences.


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66121 Saarbrücken | GERMANY
+49 681 968538-0


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